The Place of Reunions
By Sam Hendrian
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Gas station clerk scanning a Coke
With the weight of the world slipping out of her eyes
Enough to make me care beyond the change she hands back
And wish hello wasn’t the same as goodbye.
I’ll see you in the place of reunions
Where fleeting conversations turn to everlasting moments
From grocery stores to summer camps to overnight guests
Who shared more than they ever expected to share.
Friend of a friend in town for two days
Doling out inside jokes and insider secrets
On how to merge innocence with pending wisdom,
Wanderlust with settling down.
I’ll see you in the place of reunions
Where fleeting conversations turn to everlasting moments
From grocery stores to summer camps to overnight guests
Who shared more than they ever expected to share.
Campfire convergence under the stars
Based on the whim of a connection
While pondering perpendicular pathways
Despite parallel dreams.
I’ll see you in the place of reunions
Where fleeting conversations turn to everlasting moments
From grocery stores to summer camps to overnight guests
Who shared more than they ever expected to share.
‘Til then, dear stranger.
‘Til then, dear friend.
Sam Hendrian is an LA-based filmmaker/poet striving to foster empathy through art. He has been published in several small literary magazines and writes personalized poems for people every Sunday outside of Chevalier's Books, LA's oldest bookstore. He has also just finished his first feature film Terrificman, an ode to the power of human kindness.